Grease monkey Minute
There is nothing a girl can't do if she sets her mind to it! Even build a Chevelle. After I inspected and approved, this motor and transmission were put in the car by my mechanics, Jess and Larry.
Thanks guys!
My name is Minute. Some people say I'm a West Highland terrier. Some people say I'm a dog. I say I'm a princess, and this is my world.
There is nothing a girl can't do if she sets her mind to it! Even build a Chevelle. After I inspected and approved, this motor and transmission were put in the car by my mechanics, Jess and Larry.
Thanks guys!
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Minute by Minute
Nope, not a Kris Kristofferson song, but a great day to be outside with my "Ss".
Me and Sparky
Seig, Sam, Sue
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Minute by Minute
Labels: family
Me & my "Ss" (Sue, Seig, Sam & Sparky) along with the human guests in the house have been suffering the wrath of a POed Mom. There has been water all over the kitchen floor for a few days. She had blamed mostly Sam & Sue as they tend to drink with abandon. And there is my favorite pasttime of playing in the water bowl...
But is it not us...
Nope. The air conditioner is broken and about to fall through the wet ceiling!
Nonnie nonnie poo poo!!! It wasn't us good dogs!
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Minute by Minute
On vacation this summer I got to hang out with a tuba playing, Lacrosse defensive player, book-reading, birthday-having cool guy!
He started high school and marching band this fall.
How cool is that!!!!!
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Minute by Minute
Not long ago Sparky and I got to go visit Rex, Guinness and Margot. We love them. We play, bark and have fun...
Well, everyone but...
Some times I think Margot sends evil death rays from her eyes...
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Minute by Minute
It has been nothing but fun and frolicking around here. Sam is great fun. He thinks Sue is his sweetheart. We have only broken one lamp and eaten one plant since they came to stay here. I try to tell Sam how it is around here, but he is the "boy scout" of the group...
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Minute by Minute
When Mom travels she brings back gifts for some of us. We never know who, but usually the what is a T-shirt.
This trip Sue was the reciepient.
I don't think she looks fat... She's just big-boned!
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Minute by Minute
My BFF, Sue came to live with me!!!! Sue, Seig, Sam and their humans are staying with us while some work is done on their house.
Oh happy day!!!! We bark, run, and play. We start when I can get mom to wake up and go until we are made to go to bed!! This is me & Sue with Sam.
Some people don't like to hear our barking early in the morning...
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Minute by Minute
Mom bought me some new toys. I share with Sue.
We ate it...
Sue threw up...
Mom cleaned it up...
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Minute by Minute
Labels: baddog