I will get you a pic of us soon. In the meantime, he looks like this. Only bigger.
My name is Minute. Some people say I'm a West Highland terrier. Some people say I'm a dog. I say I'm a princess, and this is my world.
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Minute by Minute
Our family takes Monopoly seriously... Here is a shot of me playing the Texas Edition on our vacation.
Of course Jess won. He has the Monopoly gene...
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Minute by Minute
To my Alabama family - The Singing Cowboy (Wayne) and the Dramatic Stage Star of JSU (Matthew) !!!
The Texas branch hopes you had lots of fun, food and presents!!!
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Minute by Minute
Bethel and Tiff have been keeping me company this summer.
Bethel has gone back to school. She didn't like it when I snuck in her room. She should've open the door for me when I wanted out... I miss her... There is nothing in there to eat now...
Tiff is visiting her mom this week. I miss her... She always plays with me and lets me out of my crate. I don't eat her stuff. Well, there was that shoe box...
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Minute by Minute
It is a dog!!!! Mom saw this cloud as she was driving home from work.
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My courage is legendary! It is my mission to keep all dangerous wildlife away from Mom. I chase away rabbits and squirrels. As you can see I take my work seriously.
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This is my fine set up on our recent vacation trip. I like CAR almost as much as Rex.
You can't see the refreshments that I had - bottled water, good food and snacks!
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Labels: adventure
A lovely new hot pink halter just for me...
I like them.
To eat.
Maybe mom will get it, that I don't like to wear halters.
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Labels: baddog
Paper is paper. Some paper was tossed on the bed from the laundry basket and Mom got all upset because...
I ate it.
What is money?
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Labels: baddog
Mom took Greta's ashes to her final resting spot today with a balloon & flowers.
Happy Birthday, Craig!
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Labels: family
This is what happens when I assist the gardener
then frolic in the water garden and languish in the freshly mown meadows of our estate...
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Minute by Minute
I have a new friend! I met her at Rocky and Nash's house. The four of us ran and played. Read about Hannah here .
My mom says she is a miracle baby!
She makes me look like a big dog! Almost as big as Sue!
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Labels: friends
Sometimes Mom takes me to see my buddies Nash and Rocky. Rocky is really big like Sue. He is a boxer. Nash likes to RUN. He is also a boxer, just not as big.
We run through the house and around furniture. Sliding on wood floors is fun but Rocky doesn't like it. Nash can make Sue-goo with his mouth! I need to learn that trick!!!
Miss Lynn S. is very kind to let me come to her house.
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Minute by Minute