I want a Hippopotamus
Mom sings a silly song about wanting a hippopotamus for Christmas. Becky gave her one.
I ate it.
My name is Minute. Some people say I'm a West Highland terrier. Some people say I'm a dog. I say I'm a princess, and this is my world.
Mom sings a silly song about wanting a hippopotamus for Christmas. Becky gave her one.
I ate it.
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Minute by Minute
Trying to steal a Christmas kiss from Larry.
And, notice, I am wearing my Christmas collar!
*title a play on a line from Becky's life.
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Sparky and I help with the decorations for Christmas.
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Why is it that if I bring a stick in the house to play with I get in trouble, but Mom can bring a whole tree in and everybody gets all excited?????
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Sue is large. Sam is extra large. They try to share, but sometimes it doesn't work so well.
They need a bigger bed.
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Have I mentioned that I love my Ss?
My guys are the best ever! Seig, Sparky & Sam in a rare moment of still.
and of course, my BFF - SUE!!!
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Here you see Margot climbing on the back of a chair trying to get something off the counter.
Bad dog!
You wouldn't catch me doing that!
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Becky helped my mom have a super terrific burffday.
But she used my tail as a candle...
Thanks for the picture Beck. We couldn't figure out how to link to your post...
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Seig was not well. He had surgery. Now he is better but he must stop eating stuff like this...
and this...
and bottles, socks, nylon bones, and all the other fun stuff found in his intestines.
This is him before surgery. He is better and will play with me again.
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This is what humans get so excited about?????? I thought I heard something about turkey, dressing and pie...
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There has been a bunch of noise around here lately. A new fence is going up. I've had to busily patrol the grounds all day to keep intruders out.
And to make sure my Ss are safe. Sue and I have been supervising Jess & Troy, making sure everything is done correctly. Sam and Sparky have been keeping thing inside in order. Seig is a little under the weather, so he's been taking it easy.
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Enough said...
Even Sue, Mom????
Just wait! We will get a chance to eat them soon.
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Sue and I like to rumble. We are ruff and tuff. I think we could be a team to be reckoned with!!!! We practice our moves on each other.
It starts with a pounce...
Then the take down... (notice the referee lurking about barking orders)
Finally, the pin... (Sam is always near, making sure Sue is not injured.)
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Sparky is a special needs dog. He has trouble seeing. Not getting around, just seeing. But he's cool.
I gave him my glasses.
Hey, I could have eaten them.
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Mom bought me a new halter...
Do you remember what happened to all the other ones?
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Labels: baddog
I have never seen so many humans in one place as in Canton!!! All of those feet were bothersome, so Mom held me a lot, but when walking I noticed I had work to do.
Humans are messy. They kept dropping food so I tried to clean it all up. Mom kept telling me "NO!"
But, still I tried to eat it all...
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Mom took me back to where it all began for us (and she forgot the camera....)
Canton, Texas Trade Day. One year ago yesterday she & I found each other in "Dog Town".
This is me as I arrived at my home. This has been the best place ever! I have my "Ss" here!!!
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Labels: adventure
Are you talking to ME? I am trying to rest and you keep bothering me with things like glasses...
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Labels: baddog
I do not like to play dress up...
not even on Halloween
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Where is my Tim?????
I am a sad little princess. My friend Tim is not feeling well. He has been at the hospital for many days. I love him and want him to be better! He needs my kisses. Maybe I caould hitch a ride with Rexford to go see him...
I miss you. Glad to hear you may be home soon!!!
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Labels: friends
Or the Kirby?
This was an amusement park ride for me when I was a wee pup.
Sue was jealous 'cuz she was too big even then!!!!
I love my Sue Sue!!!
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Oh, happy day!!! Sue!!!! Seig!!!! Sam!!!!! I got to see my Ss! We barked! We played! We chewed on toys and each other!
Life is good!
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One of the advantages to being a princess and so cute is that I can get away with stuff. Like waking up folks that are sleeping their lives away.
I made sure Trey didn't miss much on vacation!
And he is almost smiling at me!
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Outside is GREAT!!!! There is always an adventure to be had. You may or may not be aware of my responsibilities. One of them is security. I am constantly alerting everyone of the dangers lurking about - such things as dogs walking their humans, birds, bugs, frogs and toads.
I take my responsibility very seriously. Here is a shot of me on patrol.
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Photographs are good to look at...
Really, really good...
and good to eat.
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Labels: baddog
My Ss - the big ones - haven't been around in a couple of days and I miss them!
Seig & Sam...
Me & Sparky are chillin'
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Yet again water is dripping from our kitchen ceiling...
Mom ain't happy and you know...
When momma ain't happy no body's happy....
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Seig took this silly bandana off of Sue. Then showed me its real use!
So I got it from him and...
I ate it.
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Labels: baddog
There is nothing a girl can't do if she sets her mind to it! Even build a Chevelle. After I inspected and approved, this motor and transmission were put in the car by my mechanics, Jess and Larry.
Thanks guys!
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Nope, not a Kris Kristofferson song, but a great day to be outside with my "Ss".
Me and Sparky
Seig, Sam, Sue
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Labels: family
Me & my "Ss" (Sue, Seig, Sam & Sparky) along with the human guests in the house have been suffering the wrath of a POed Mom. There has been water all over the kitchen floor for a few days. She had blamed mostly Sam & Sue as they tend to drink with abandon. And there is my favorite pasttime of playing in the water bowl...
But is it not us...
Nope. The air conditioner is broken and about to fall through the wet ceiling!
Nonnie nonnie poo poo!!! It wasn't us good dogs!
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On vacation this summer I got to hang out with a tuba playing, Lacrosse defensive player, book-reading, birthday-having cool guy!
He started high school and marching band this fall.
How cool is that!!!!!
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Not long ago Sparky and I got to go visit Rex, Guinness and Margot. We love them. We play, bark and have fun...
Well, everyone but...
Some times I think Margot sends evil death rays from her eyes...
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It has been nothing but fun and frolicking around here. Sam is great fun. He thinks Sue is his sweetheart. We have only broken one lamp and eaten one plant since they came to stay here. I try to tell Sam how it is around here, but he is the "boy scout" of the group...
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When Mom travels she brings back gifts for some of us. We never know who, but usually the what is a T-shirt.
This trip Sue was the reciepient.
I don't think she looks fat... She's just big-boned!
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