Sunday, May 27, 2007

TJL's Birthday

At the resort some people call The Compound, where Sparky and I are vacationing while Mom's away, we celebrated TJL's birthday. Guinness hasn't been feeling very well, but Margot actually played with me! And Rex, too!

Here are some toys that I got from Guinness and Margot's toybox. Rex is the biggest toy of all!

And here's a photo of the birthday boy holding me.

He takes good care of me and gives Sparky shots while Mom's away.

Okay, there was a little incident. See, there was LOTS of food at the birthday party. Grilled burgers and sausages. Potato salad. Baked beans. More food than my aunt could eat, but she'd already put a sausage on her plate. So she told my uncle to just wrap it in a paper towel and put it on her desk for later.

Then some other friends, R&L, came to The Compound. There was lots of dog playing and picture taking and cake eating. And later, my aunt found a paper towel on the floor of the office, and no sausage and no hotdog bun.

Now THEY say I'm the only dog who ever disappeared for a few minutes. But I'm just a little girl. How would I ever be able to pull that off without help?

Like Margot says, they can't prove ANYTHING.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm on vacation!

My brother Sparky and I get to stay with my buddy Rex for a few days! This means we also get to make visits to the house where Margot and Guinness live. Sparky isn't all that happy--he's kind of a workaholic who doesn't believe in vacations--but woohoo! It's all toys for me! Now I just need to make sure the photographers here capture some of my best moments with those toys. So far, they're really slacking. Don't they understand I have faithful blog readers?!?

Friday, May 4, 2007

Survivor Night

It is party night! Once a week TJL comes to see me, Sparky and Greta. He does a bunch of stuff around here for my mom. He gets upset with us if we walk on his floors when they are wet. But he takes us in the car to see Rex, Margot & Guinness. We play. They have lots of neat toys. I like taking all of them out of the box, carrying them all around my aunt's house and playing with them all. Margot is a little moody. Sometimes she will play with me but not much. On the other paw, Rex and I run, bark, chew, romp, play, fight, bite & all that other fun stuff. We watch Survivor. My favorite is Boo. Just because I think that is a cool name. But I think he will get voted off soon unless someone takes the control away from Earl.